Second Nurse : Halimah (RA)

Halimah Bint Abi Dhuayb best known as Halima Sadiyah was the wetnurse and foster-mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She and her husband belonged to a subdivision of the Hawazin tribe.

Halima Sadiyah took Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) under her custody when He was only 8 days old. She took Him with her and kept Him for two years. After that when Prophet (PBUH) returned to His mother, she again sent Him with Halima Sadia in order to make him stronger. After the first revelation on Prophet (PBUH) she and her husband embraced Islam. Muhammad (PBUH) gave her the best of respect.

She died in 577 CE and lies resting in Jannatul Baqi, Madina.

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