Father : Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA)

Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib(RA) was the father of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was born in 545 CE. Abdullah married Aminah Bint Wahhab (mother of Prophet PBUH).

The property left by Abdullah after his death shows that he was neither too wealthy nor too poor. He was a merchant by profession. Moreover, all the property left by him was his own as Abdul Muttalib was still alive on his death therefore, he had received no inheritance.
The forehead of Abdullah was stunningly bright as it showed the light of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Abdullah married Aminah, the marriage was fixed by Abdul Muttalib and after marriage, the light of the forehead of Abdullah got transferred to Aminah.

After getting married, Abdullah set out with a caravan to Syria. However, on the way back he stayed at Madina and got ill. His father Abdul Muttalib sent his eldest son to take care of him and bring him to Makkah. However, upon his arrival in Syria, his brother found that Abdullah had died and buried in Madina. The year of his death is 570 CE.

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